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CEC comunicazione eventi congressi srl
Via Canton, 101 00144, Roma
email: info@cecongressi.it – tel: 06 60210 638
Lettera Aiom
/in News /da info@cecComunicazione Presidente IVAS
Lettera Aiom
Can Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Be Safely Placed in Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy? A Retrospective Study of Almost 400,000 Catheter-Days
/in News /da info@cecCan Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Be Safely Placed in Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy? A Retrospective Study of Almost 400,000 Catheter‐Days
/in News /da info@cechttp://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/content/early/2019/02/12/theoncologist.2018-0281.abstract